
Tips To Make Visitors Linger in Your Blog

To create a blog that get high traffic is not easy. Especially if you are expecting visitors who want to linger on your blog. In the real world , someone would stand for long or not at a certain place. In cyberspace, especially blogs, visitors can feel that.

Of course, for you are a blogger expect that your blog visitors can linger. Because if it can happen, then you may be able to get traffic every day will continue to increase. So what are the things that can make visitors can linger in your blog ?

1. Write Something Interesting and Useful 

The first tips is to present content that is interesting and useful to visitors. The more your content is interesting and useful, so that visitors will be more comfortable to linger in your blog.

2. View Menu and Link Popular Posts

Another way that visitors linger on your blog is to display the menu and link popular posts. Of the many posts that you upload course there is the post with the most views by visitors. View menu and link posting it in strategic places and widely viewed by visitors.

3. Provide an Archive Page Blog

Next tips is that you should create an archive page on your blog. Archive page is a table of contents that includes all your posts that you 've uploaded on your blog. From here, visitors will be able to see all your posts and they can find your post that interesting to read.

4. Making Navigation and Menu Clearly

Do not underestimate the navigation and menu on the main page of your blog. If you make the two elements are not clear and messy then most likely future visitors will immediately leave your blog. Therefore , try to make the navigation and menu clearly and easily seen. This will make visitors linger in your blog.

5. Design The Template That Is Neat, Unique, and Interesting

Last tips to make visitors linger blog is to apply a template neat, unique, and interesting. The display and design of a blog does affect the level of excitement and boredom. The more neat, unique, and interesting to see your blog template, so the more visitors like. From taste like this then your chances to make them linger in your blog will also increase.

Enough of articles about Tips To Make Visitors Linger in Your Blog. If you have any questions or suggestions, please write in the comments field below. Hopefully this article useful and you willing to share this article through social media accounts you have.

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4 Easy Ways To Increase Blog Visitors Quickly

For a Blogger or Online Business, traffic is very important for all bloggers or businesses want the website to be famous and can be a profitable business. 

There are several ways that we can do in order to increase blog visitors for free. In this article I will explain about how to increase blog visitors quickly. Although there are a lot of ways, we must be wise in choosing which method is suitable for your blog so that results can be maximized.

How To Increase Blog Visitors :

1. Blog Walking (BW)

Blog Walking is an activity to visit other people's blogs and then leave comments on that blog. With good comment that it will increase your good image as a blogger. Then, leave your blog URL in the comments field provided, then you will get a backlink to your blog. Most likely other visitors who see your comment will visit your site as well. This is what should be utilized as well as possible.

2. Through Social Media Site

In the modern worl,, many people around the world who have social media. Especially now that social media sites can be accessed via smartphone. Considering this, of course, we can increase our blog visitors.

Some social media sites used to get traffic is Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Youtube, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. In fact there are many social media that we can use, but the six social media who I mentioned it is the most popular social media.

3. Through Social Bookmarking Site

Social Bookmarking Sites originally created to help Internet users to store their favorite website addresses, making it easier for them when trying to open the website at a later date. In its development, the social bookmarking site often used to get traffic.

We can save your URL Blog or website or your URL Article Blog to social bookmarking sites, with the hope that other users will be interested in the URL we submit and visit our site with the media social bookmarking.

4. Through Forums Site

Discussion forum site often used by internet users as a medium to get traffic towards their website. There are several sites that allow link in their thread. 

Here are some sites that used the forum to get traffic and backlinks :
  1. Pengusaha.co
  2. Bersosial.com
  3. Forum.kompas.com
  4. Forum.detik.com
  5. Kaskus.co.id
We don't need to use all the strategies. We must first understand about our blog, so we know which strategies we will use to increase our blog traffic. If you have any questions or suggestions, please write in the comments field below. Hopefully this article useful and you willing to share this article through social media accounts you have.

Read AlsoTips To Make Visitors Linger in Your Blog

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How To Introduce Your Blog To The Search Engines Easily

After you've finished creating a blog, try typing the name of your blog on Google. What happened? Most likely your blog has not been indexed by Google. Therefore, infoBlog will review the article about How To Introduce Your Blog To The Search Engines so that your blog can be indexed by Google.

How To Introduce Your Blog To The Search Engines

  1. Open this link ›› Google Search Engine ‹‹
  2. It will appear a display like this.
  3. Please enter your address blog or your URL blog into the URL field. Check the column I'm not a robot. Finally, click Submit Request.
  4. Done. Your blog will be processed by Google .
So easy, right? But you've to stay patient, you have to wait a few days so that your blog indexed by Google.

Enough articles about How To Introduce Your Blog To The Search Engines, if you have any questions or suggestions, please write in the comments field below. Hopefully this article useful and you willing to share this article through social media accounts you have.

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How To Make a Floating Share Button On The Blog

With the share button on your blog, visitors will be easier to share your post and will make your blog more interesting to visit. Therefore, this time infoBlog will share an article about How To Make a Floating Share Button.

How To Make Floating Share Button :

  1. Go to your Blogger Dashboard ›› Layout ›› Add a Gadget ›› HTML/JavaScript.
  2. Copy and paste the floating share button code below on HTML/JavaScript column.
  3. Finally, click Save.

Style 1 :

/* Floating Share Button Style 1 by infoBlog */
<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_floating_style addthis_counter_style" style="left:50px;top:50px;">
<a class="addthis_button_facebook_like" fb:like:layout="box_count"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_tweet" tw:count="vertical"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_google_plusone" g:plusone:size="tall"></a>
<a class="addthis_counter"></a>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//s7.addthis.com/js/300/addthis_widget.js#pubid=xa-50d0aeef5baf97c2"></script>

Copy and Paste that code on your blog if you choose Style 1

Style 2 :

/* Floating Share Button Style 2 by infoBlog */
<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_floating_style addthis_32x32_style" style="left:50px;top:50px;">
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_1"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_2"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_3"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_4"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_compact"></a>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//s7.addthis.com/js/300/addthis_widget.js#pubid=xa-50d0ae6c0cd052be"></script>

Copy and Paste that code on your blog if you choose Style 2

Enough of articles about How To Make a Floating Share Button On The Blog. If you have any questions or suggestions, please write in the comments field below or directly send questions through the Contact Us service. Hopefully this article useful and you willing to share this article through social media accounts you have.

Read AlsoHow To Create a Signature - Online

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How To Create a Signature - Online

A signature is a handwritten (and often stylized) depiction of someone's name, nickname, or even a simple "X" or other mark that a person writes on documents as a proof of identity and intent. The role of a signature in many consumer contracts is not solely to provide evidence of the identity of the contracting party, but also to provide evidence of deliberation and informed consent. Therefore, infoBlog will share an article on How To Create an Online Signature. If you are interested, follow these steps .

How To Create A Online Signature :

  1. First , go to this link ›› Online Signature Maker ‹‹
  2. You will see the first page of the website as shown below .
  3. On the page, click Start Now! to start creating signatures.
  4. After that, you will see a display about the methods you will use. This time, infoBlog will use the method of Using the signature creation wizard, click on the text.
  5. Then, you will see a display like this. Enter your name that will be created a signature, then click Next Step. Follow the next steps.
  6. When you are finished designing your signature, at the end of step you will see a display like this.
  7. The last step, click CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD YOUR SIGNATURE to download a signature that you create.
Easy, right? 

Enough articles about How To Create an Online Signature, if you have any questions or suggestions, please write in the comments field below. Hopefully this article useful and you willing to share this article through social media accounts you have.

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How To Create And Install A Favicon Blog Easily

How To Create And Install A Favicon Blog Easily - Favicon is short for Favorite Icon. Favicon is an icon associated with the logo of a website or blog and is located to the left of the website address. Favicon give a special identity to your blog and make your blog more interesting.

Not all of the size of the logo you create can be used as a favicon. Terms to be used as a favicon is the logo image must be square-shaped or the same dimensions (e.g. 50pixels x 50pixels) and file size not more than 100kb. By the way, the image that will be used as the favicon does not have to format the icon, but can also JPG and PNG.

How To Create a Favicon :

  1. Open www.favicon.cc , then you will see a screen like this.
  2. After that, to form your logo, click the boxes contained on that page.
  3. Try to create a logo with your own creations. Use the features contained in the color picker so that your blog logo looks nice and attractive.
  4. After making logos, scroll down until you see a display like this.
  5. Then, click Download Favicon.

How To Install a Favicon :

  1. Go to your Blogger Dashboard ›› Layout.
  2. Click edit contained in Favicon.
  3. After you click on the edit button , you will see a display like this .
  4. In this view, click Choose File and locate the logo file that you created.
  5. If you have found your logo file, click Open and then click Save.
  6. Restart your browser and see the results.

Only to be creative to make the logo and click Choose File, you can make your blog more stylish with the logo that you created earlier .

Enough of articles about How To Create And Install a Favicon Blog Easily , if you have questions or suggestions regarding this article , please post in the comments field below. Hopefully useful and can be used as a reference for you .

Read AlsoHow To Make a Floating Share Button On The Blog

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How To Create A Menu Bar Blog Without Editing HTML

How To Create A Menu Bar Blog Without Editing HTML - The menu bar is a horizontal strip that contains a list of menu available which is usually located below the header blog.

Many other articles that provide a tutorial to make the menu bar by using the edit HTML. I think it is difficult, especially for novice Blogger. Therefore, I will share a tutorial about How To Create A Menu Bar Blog Without Editing HTML.

How To Create A Menu Bar Blog :

  1. Go to your Blogger Dashboard ›› Layout ›› Add a Gadget.
  2. Look for the gadget Pages on the page, then press ' + ' .
  3. After you click the ' + ' button, you will see a display like this.
  4. And then click Save. After that, if you want to add pages like profile, lists, etc. you must to Pages menu.
  5. On the menu Pages, click New Page. If you want to create a profile page, you write the word ' Profile ' in the page title. For example, as shown below.
  6. After that click Publish.
  7. Then back again to the Layout. Click edit in the Pages that have been added before, and then check the Profile and click Save.
  8. Done. To view, please click on View Blog.
Easy, right? Good luck and see the results.

So you don't dwell on HTML settings to make the menu bar on the blog. Enough of articles about How To Create A Menu Bar Blog Without Editing HTML. If you have any questions or suggestions, please write in the comments field below or directly send questions through the Contact Us service. Hopefully this article useful and you willing to share this article through social media accounts you have.

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Theory About Blog

What is a Blog?

Blog comes from the combination of two words Web and Log. Blog is a site that is usually managed by someone who provides article or posting on a web page with the arrangement latest posts are at the top and followed by the previous post based on the time when making these postings.

In Generally, the Blog contains news, diary, ways of doing something, or a collection of links that are always updated regularly and summarized in the form of articles are published to the public. Through the Blog, we can also communicate between internet users through comments that are typically located under the post or article that we make.

A Brief History About Blog

Blog was first proposed by Blogger.com owned by Pyra Labs before being acquired by Google in 2002. Initially, Blog consists of several components as well as websites in general. But in its development, over time, there are additional new features that are different from previous versions.  Words ' Web Log ' or ' Blog ' has been incorporated into the Oxford English Dictionary and categorized as a noun.

Blog can be accessed through any browser, like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer is usually a web page that was blank and can be added with forms and widgets that have been provided. On that blank page, a Blogger can write anything as desired. Then, an article which written by the Blogger may be publicly disclosed to the public.

It can be used as a factor that triggers many blogging trend on the Internet. With the blog, now Blogger can express his thoughts through a post without any sense of concern about the response given by others.

In discussing the blog, there will be a term of ' Blogger '. Blogger? What is a Blogger? Blogger are people who write the blogs. Justin Hall is a student who first started the blog in 1994.

Benefits of Blogging :

  1. Get a Better Job.
  2. Start a New Business.
  3. Get More Clients to Your Existing Business.
  4. Become a Better Writer.
  5. Become a Published Author.
  6. Get Immediate Feedback.
  7. Learn More About a Group of People.
  8. Gain Influence.
  9. Establish Yourself as an Expert in Your Field.
  10. Build a Network.
  11. Learn In-Demand Skill.
  12. Improve Your SEO.
  13. Collect Emails.
  14. Stay Knowledgeable in Your Field.
  15. Sell a product.
  16. Talk to Your Idols.
  17. Express Yourself.
  18. Help Others.
  19. Build Trust Online.
  20. Take Control of Your Online Identity.

Enough of articles about Theory About Blog. If you have any questions or suggestions, please write in the comments field below or directly send questions through the Contact Us service. Hopefully this article useful and you willing to share this article through social media accounts you have.

Read Also ›› How To Create Blog Easily

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