
How To Change ScrollBar Colour On Blogs

How To Change Scroll Bar Colour On Blog - Basically, the default scroll bar at blogspot mediocre. Therefore, infoBlog will share a tutorial about How To Change Scroll Bar Colour On Blog so your blog look more attractive and cool. But, on Mozilla Firefox browser, it doesn't support this CSS.

Follow the steps below To Change Scroll Bar Colour On Blog . .

How To Change Scroll Bar Colour On Blog :

  1. Go to your Blogger Dashboard ›› Template ›› Edit HTML.
  2. Add the CSS code below before ]]></b:skin> .
    /* Scrollbar by infoBlog*/ ::-webkit-scrollbar{width:8px;background:white} ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb{background-color:red;border-radius:10px}

  3. *NOTE
    › Replace white with your scroll bar background colour
     Replace red with your scroll bar colour
  4. After that, click Save Template.

Enough of tutorial about How To Change Scroll Bar Colour On Blog. If you have any questions or suggestions, please write in the comments field below or directly send questions through the Contact Us service. Hopefully this article useful and you willing to share this article through social media accounts you have.

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