
How To Create A Sitemap On The Blog

How To Create A Sitemap On The Blog - Sitemap or table of contents is a list of all the articles of the blog we've posts previously will be displayed either in a sidebar or in the post. The purpose of the Sitemap that is easy for visitors or blog readers to see articles or other of our posts which will make visitors longer on our blog.

"How ? If you are interested to making it ?"
Now, infoBlog will share a tutorial about How To Create A Sitemap On The Blog. Follow the steps below . .

Read Also : How To Create A Menu Bar Blog Without Editing HTML

How To Create A Sitemap :

  1. Go to your Blogger Dashboard. Then select Pages.

  2. Then click New Page on that page.

  3. After that, copy the script code below.
    <div style="overflow:auto; border: 1px solid #000000; margin: auto; padding: 3px; width: 100%; height:500px; background-color: none; text-align: left;">
    <script style="text/javascript" src=" http://mastergomaster.googlecode.com/files/daftar%20isi%20blog.js "></script>
    <script src="http://infoaboutblog.blogspot.co.id/feeds/posts/default?max-results=9999&alt=json-in-script&callback=loadtoc"></script></div>

  4. *NOTE
    Replace http://infoaboutblog.blogspot.co.id with your blog URL
  5. The next step, paste the script code in HTML column. Don't forget to give the title of the page.

  6. The last step, click Publish
For Result :

Read Also :
Now, your blog have a Sitemap page or Table Of Contents, if you create a new article it will automatically be inserted into the Sitemap and grouped by month of manufacture.

Enough of articles about How To Create A Sitemap On The Blog. If you have any questions or suggestions, please write in the comments field below or directly send questions through the Contact Us service. Hopefully this article useful and you willing to share this article through social media accounts you have.

Thanks For Your Visiting 

